Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas come early

This weekend we had Christmas early with my Dad and Step mom Janet. The kids were super excited about opening presents! It was nice seeing my parents. We do not get to see them often and Atyana loves her Aunt Jess. They made plans for after Christmas!
This year we sponsored a child from Hunter's school. Today we went to Wal Mart and picked out a few things for her. We are trying to teach the kids that it is better to give than to receive.
Tonight the kids made a Gingerbread House. It was alot of fun for them. Just one piece of advice. If you buy a kit make your own icing. It was very hard to use. Other than that it turned out very cute!
I have add a few pictures from the last few day.
Lots of Love amanda


  1. I love that reaction to the Hannah Montana game. Priceless!

  2. Dito!! I just love the pic with the HM game!!
